

PRAYER FOCUS: SEEK DISCERNMENT AND BE WISER THAN SOLOMON BECAUSE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IN YOU, SOLDIER! Heavenly Father,    We come again before You with a humble, contrite spirit seeking Your Heavenly Host to surround us to protect us from any of the plots and plans and schemes of the enemy.  To let all of these stay in their own camp to bring chaos, anxiety and confusion in all that they do and say.  Keep us off the enemy's radar and keep us aware of all deceptive activity to distract us from our goal of unity in the spirit as Prayer Warriors in Your Kingdom Army.  Lord continue to lead and command us into the victories You have laid out before us.  We are so grateful for Your Mighty Hand seen in all the miracles around us and seeing the enemy fall daily from any position of authority that he has over us.  As we enter Your Courts of Heaven we plead our case against any legal proceedings held against us to become null and void and set us free to receive Your Blessings and stand firm on Your Word!Father we seek to be wiser than Solomon and follow in the footsteps of Your Son, Yeshuah!  We seek more of an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon us and in us so that by Wisdom we may discern rightfully the way in which we are to choose in all parts of our lives.  Lord, we want to be able to discern clearly those we are to walk with and those we should not.  To be able to come together as one Body in Christ Jesus and be united in spirit to worship You and only You with no room for idol worship in our lives and of which we repent so that we may be pure before You in the Blood of Your Son, Yeshuah.Father, Solomon prayed for a listening heart, and so do we, but we want what he did not do, and that is to have a humble and contrite attitude and to know that all is Yours and all that we have is from You.  We seek the self-discipline we need to conquer and change ourselves with Your Power to become the living image of Your Son in all that we do and say so that others will want to follow Yeshuah and become a part of Your Kingdom here in America and where ever others long for that same action to be in there nation.Lord, we seek discernment and abundant Wisdom be given to our President Trump and all of our official leaders in government that Justice will prevail and that our nation will live protected and safe.  That those who are in authority have the discernment to use the Hammer of Justice to smash the evil that is in our land from drug trafficking, to child trafficking and all other forms of perversion that have been allowed to exist in our America!  Thank You for those who are doing their best to overthrow this, and make our land clean and clear of these abominations.  Lord even though there is a lot to be done continue to bless us with awareness and being willing to fight this as Your Kingdom Army.  No matter how small our part is we stand for Justice and Truth to pervade our America!

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