This is a video of a beating heart bypass surgery done by Dr.Muditha Lansakara. This surgery usually takes about 3 to 4 hours. This patient had severe triple vessel coronary artery diseasem,the conduits used were the left internal memory artery and long saphenous vein. the video shows how the heart is accessed via a midline sternotomy, mobolization of the left internal memory artery and preparation of the heart for the grafting. In addition possesioning of the heart and stabilization of the grafting reagon is clearly shown without applying suction to the stabilization device-"Octupus". Bottom end suturing was done with 7/0 polypropalene while 6/0 polypropalene was used to anastomose the proximal ends to the ascending aorta. Following the surgery patient had a quick recovery as he was extubated within 2 hours and he was ready to be discharged after five days.