
Dealing with Performance Anxiety, Ego Mind, Getting into that Musical Flow

Dealing with Performance Anxiety, Ego Mind, Getting into that Musical Flow Have you ever had the "euphoric" moment where music just seems to flow naturally through you? Well that "superpower" is available within you at all times, however accessing it is not the easiest. "You are your own worst enemy" might be a quote you’ve heard a million times, however beneath that quote lies a powerful truth. Self critique and judgement are obstacles that so many performers, not just in music, struggle with, and the battle inside your mind can often seem like one you can’t win that keeps your performances unreliable, and leaves your work left undone. Have you ever experienced an excellent soundcheck, only to be followed by an awful performance or vice versa? Your mind is really an incredibly powerful tool, but learning how to deal with it might be essential if you want to take your playing to the next level.

In an era where "perfect" playing is seen on a daily basis on social platforms, I think it’s time to become honest, move on and embrace the imperfections. Let’s make art together!

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Book Recommendation List:
Zen in the Art of Archery - Eugen Herrigel
Inner Game of Tennis - Timothy Gallwey
The Music Lesson - Victor Wooten
Efforless Mastery - Kenny Werner

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