
Herb for blood clotting & a fruit which provides protection against diseases & infections

Herb for blood clotting & a fruit which provides protection against diseases & infections A herb use by many who suffer from blood clotting & a fruit which provides protection against diseases & infections. In the Mahabharata it is mentioned that during the war between Rama & Ravana when Lakshman was injured & was dying a herbal plant like this was used which was bought by Hanuman to heal Lakshman - In Assamese Language (বিশল্যকৰণী : গাৰ বেদনা গুচোৱা এবিধ দৰব ৷ ৰাম আৰু ৰাৱনৰ মাজত যুদ্ধত যেতিয়া লক্ষ্মণ শক্তিশেলৰ দ্বাৰা আঘাতপ্ৰাপ্ত হৈছিল, সেই সময়ত তেওঁক আৰোগ্য কৰিবৰ বাবে বিশল্যকৰণী নামৰ এবিধ বনৌষধিৰ প্ৰয়োজন হৈছিল) The fruit shown in this video isTerminalia bellerica & is a medicinal fruit with super health benefits also famous as Baheda. The tree of this fruit in Sanskrit is known as Vibhita or Vibhitaka (meaning fearless) & many people avoid to sit in its shade as it is believed to be inhabited by demons.

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