Selling, as we know is one of the most powerful professions. Everybody is selling regardless of your job title or industry. You're creating an experience for somebody else with your interaction, and ultimately that's what selling is all about.
It's all about how you make people feel and how you're focusing on them that attracts them back to you.
That's the platform of sales because it establishes trust and more importantly starts to build rapport. So, those elements together with all the techniques and skills that help us to be more effective in our communication, but what happens when that communication doesn't work?
What happens when you get that client that says, "yeah, I'm going to give you a call back" and your 100% sure in your mind that they're going to call you back, and then you never hear from them again?
What happens when you do two years worth of work and then the person you're working with decides to leave the company and somebody else starts and you've got to start developing a new relationship with them?
What happens when you haven't met sales goals for a few months and you've still got to keep moving forward?
You've got to get up in the morning, start pushing yourself out. What happens in all of these situations is you start to deflate. You start to go and focus on all of the bad things that are happening rather than the good things that could be happening.
I want to give you an acronym that's going to give you the ability to change your world.
It's called D.R.E.A.M.
D - Define your thinking
R - Realize your value
E - Energize your spirit
A - Accentuate the positive
M - Move yourself forward
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►Who is Applied Excellence?
Applied Excellence was created by author, professional speaker and business expert, Paul Anderson. Paul's career started when he sold his way into a sales position for a Fortune 100 corporation, although he was two years below the company’s minimum age requirement. He immediately hit the ground running, achieving Sales Rookie of the Year, and continued to break all previous sales records, earning over twenty sales awards, a nomination for worldwide salesperson of the year and a seat on the prestigious sales advisory board. He was also elected a member of the order of sales excellence earning the title “Machine, Not a Man”—all by the age of 25.
The selling skills and techniques that he uses and teaches every day have earned him the top sales position with multiple companies that sell products and services in the business-to-business and business-to-consumer markets, and with sales cycles that are both long and short. Paul has accumulated 25-plus years of top sales and leadership achievement. His passion for the world of selling is shown through the remarkable results he consistently achieves both in sales and sales leadership and through his sales mentor program where he remains committed to helping people without sales experience get into sales and immediately earn an income they hadn’t thought possible. Paul resides in San Diego, California, with his wife and three children.