
An Essential Message from Stefan Molyneux

An Essential Message from Stefan Molyneux ▶️ Donate Now:

Time to get caught up on in all the good, the bad and the ugly of the world's biggest and most popular philosophy show!

The hammer-blows of suppression, deplatforming and lies have fallen heavily on Freedomain Radio - and me personally. My face was featured THREE times on the above-the-fold front page of the Sunday New York Times, in article about "radicalization." (According to the article, "radicalization" means going from being unemployed to having a job - and also getting a girlfriend!)

I was viciously deplatformed from giving a speech in Vancouver; the usual Leftist tactics of threats, vandalism and direct physical confrontation were deployed.

During this, the mainstream media attacked me as well, and had no criticisms of the violent suppression of my right to free speech.

Even Ben Shapiro has attacked me.

At the end of January, YouTube implemented suppression algorithms on my channel, which caused views to collapse. I have been working hard to get views back up, with some success.

My subscriber count on YouTube has also been stalled for months - some days, hundreds of subscribers vanish for no apparent reason.

While I have some sympathy for YouTube - they are a software company, not moral philosophers, and they are under significant pressure to silence some people - it is tough for the show, and for me personally.

I have received complaints that subscribers have not been getting notifications of new shows, or that their notifications are being spam-binned.

The goal here, of course, is to give fans of the show the impression that I have been slacking off. If people don't see notifications for a while, some of them cancel their financial support.

Along with the usual attacks from the corporate media, my Wikipedia page has also been sabotaged by Leftists. Although this Soros-funded blog for incels has no real credibility among the intelligent, it is viewed as gospel by countless millions.

Still, there is some great news amongst all the downward pressure.

Last year, I produced a powerful documentary on Poland; this year, I have turned my focus on California. With the great production team behind "Hoaxed," I shot reams of interviews, speeches and confrontations throughout the Golden State. Over the next few weeks, I will start releasing a documentary series that will blow the lid on all the dysfunction, hypocrisy, potential and complexity of California.

I have also done some amazing interviews and listener calls - some of by best work to date - and have even more wonderful conversations coming up!

In the next few weeks, I will be unveiling a new web site - even more mobile-friendly, with a new layout and blog.

My inbox continues to be flooded with positive messages - pictures of smiling newborn babies, testimonies from parents who have stopped hitting their kids, newly-married couples and people who are fresh-energized to pursue their life dreams.

What the media taketh away, you my dear listeners give back.

So it's a very mixed bag of good and bad news. Freedomain Radio is better than ever, but opposition has escalated to truly hysterical levels.

Philosophy is defined as the love of wisdom - I have added to that by pursuing the wisdom of love.

Everything I do is fundamentally motivated by love.

I want men and women, blacks and whites, to all get along better, which is why I speak the uncomfortable truths that break down the barriers that keep us at suspicious distances from one another.

Acting as I do out of love, it is a real challenge to be portrayed as some sort of hateful lunatic. If I were to mistake how I am lied about for who I actually am, I simply could not continue.

The strength of philosophy, and the love of friends and family keeps me going - but I also need something from you.

My friends, the real battle is upon us.

Which will win? Hatred of truth, or love of wisdom?

Civilized discourse, or violence?

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freedomain,libertarian,philosophy,Stefan Molyneux,Freedomain Radio,censorship,deplatform,suppression,culture,war,battle,free speech,mainstream media,soros,wikipedia,george soros,

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