
Grow 6 inches in just a second subliminal ULTRA POWERFUL LISTEN ONCE calm ver

Grow 6 inches in just a second subliminal ULTRA POWERFUL LISTEN ONCE calm ver Happy blue theme!!!💙


-be extremely tall
-be your desired height
- longer and taller legs
-grow proportionally
-have open growth plates
-perfect posture
-look amazing with your height
-everyone loves your height
-be free from being made fun of because of your height
-grow 6 inches every nanosecond (exaggeration)

This has more affirmations but I’m not going to put them here because people have been stealing my affirmations

-drink plenty of water
-take breaks if you start to feel nauseous,start to get a headache or feel bad
-take mini water breaks
-listen as many times as you want but be careful
-visualize you have your desired results
-have a positive mindset


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