Lemon may have Benefits with Side Effects
A 1992 research concluded that Lemons destroyed sperm production. The research: The immobilization of all spermatozoa in vitro by bitter lemon drink and the effect of alkaline pH Concluded …., Krest bitter lemon in its factory form (acid pH) completely immobilized all spermatozoa within 1 minute after the researchers diluted the semen with the soft drink. lemon-vs-lime-difference-and-health-benefits
Nwoha PU1. Obafemi Awolowo University
Lists 8 side effects of lemons. … tooth decay, increasing canker sore, promotes, may cause nausea and vomiting, ulcers and heart burn, migraines…
Side effects…
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Yet the Balance of benefits and Side effects is crucial. How do we balance it? Find the ancswer in this video.
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Lists 8 side effects of lemons. … tooth decay, increasing canker sore, promotes, may cause nausea and vomiting, ulcers and heart burn, migraines…
Side effects…