
encounter with wasps retold, Pain Pondered

encounter with wasps retold, Pain Pondered As usual i missed delivery of a few key points which had been the whole purpose of making a video anyhow. Was out seeing how the Nettle Seed crop was coming along when a Wasp different than the ones stung me yesterday, compelled me to record. That was cool but i went "live" with me thoughtstream premature.

So, the moral of this video is to know What-It-Is where you put your hands and body. To look before you leap. Scout ahead before moving the whole camp forward. And don't put yourself in situation such that your face like mine hovered above Wasp Nest as you go about tearing up the forest of plants which cover their bunker. Was fortunate to have no stings on face throat nor scalp. Had one tangled in sweaty hair as i retreated inside me living space with back against a powerful fan on high.

A second individual who had followed me all the home, the one who stung my back multiple times, was distracted by fluorescent light and then mellowed to leave peacefully whole tribe knows where i live : -0

Had i not acted as rapid as was, and had not this body system been at its state of health and that level of activity, this could have had severe consequence. As was t'was an interesting learning and living experience. Power of Wasp venom is intense. Nature is Metal !! i'm glad this reminder was of Yellow Jackets and not a pack of Hornets like the one present at beginning of video. Thank you greatmother gaia for the kindness of your teachings : -)


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