
FAQ 003536 | Is it also possible to subsequently deactivate the symbols for the FE mesh refinemen...

FAQ 003536 | Is it also possible to subsequently deactivate the symbols for the FE mesh refinemen... Question:

Is it also possible to subsequently deactivate the symbols for the FE mesh refinement in an existing graphic in a printout report?


Yes, this is also possible.

If you want to edit a graphic retroactively in the printout report, right-click the graphic and click the "Edit" command.

Then, you can adjust the configuration in the Display navigator in this graphic where you can clear the check box under "FE Mesh Refinement" and return to the report by clicking the "Return to Printout Report."

Thus, the representation of the FE mesh refinement in existing graphics can also be edited.

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#Printout #FE_mesh_refinement #Display #Navigator,

Printout FE mesh refinement Display Navigator,

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