
How Phoenix Formula Capsules Can Help You

How Phoenix Formula Capsules Can Help You

I'm happy to announce that we have Phoenix formula in capsules.

You know this is a goal here at Lost Empire Herbs. Eventually, we do want to make all of our herbs available in capsules just to meet people where they're at. There are very good reasons to be tasting the herbs. It helps clue your body into knowing what to do with the thing in the first place. But you know, we got to meet people with where they're at and something like Phoenix formula, as you can kind of tell just from looking at the color of it right here, it tastes a bit like dirt. Shilajit, the mineral pitch that is used in this formula actually is a mineral resin that comes out of the Himalayan mountains. We also have the black ant insects in there, so not the best tasting thing. I will admit to that. So now we do have this available in capsules, which not only help mitigate the taste but also can be quite a bit more convenient to take a, not having to mix this and water or anything like that. So we have that available.

If you're new to Phoenix formula, this is the original formula we put together at Lost Empire Herbs. It's a combination of four different herbs, pine pollen, Shilajit, black ant, and He Shou Wu. And we combine these for the purpose of this formula is really to kind of rejuvenate your body at a deep core level and to provide that deep nourishment that most people are lacking in our Western society because they're not getting anything like the power of these herbs that are available. In Chinese medicine, this is in the three treasurer system. It's really focused on that jing essence. Shilajit being both Yin and Yung, the pine pollen is a lot more young and the He Shou wu a lot more yin. So that combination that really nurses, that deep foundational energy, which has to do with your constitution and your aging and your DNA and help protect all of that.

On top of this, we have the ant, which is known as one of the best chi tonics in Chinese medicine. So most people when they take ant, they can actually feel like usable energy right away. So while Phoenix formula's helping to nourish that jing essence is giving you this chi that you can then use to go about your day. Whether you're using this for a pre-workout or post-workout. Lots of people like to do that because they feel the energy before, but it's also helping with recovery. People use it to help assist with sexual function. People use it just to start their day off with so they have energy or if you're having the afternoon slump taking this, something like that could be very helpful in those moments.

So let's talk a little bit about the dosage on this. We are never going to get rid of our powdered formulas because this is cheaper to do and a better value in doing that.

And like I said, there are reasons to taste the herbs so we still have the hundred-gram bag available. We just now also have it in capsules. Because it takes much more of a process and machinery and everything to put this in capsules, you are going to get a better value with the bag here and you can even go ahead capsule this yourself if you like. But we do save you the trouble.

So our dosage on here, we do recommend quite a range from one teaspoon a day up to two tablespoons a day, and that's two grams up to 12 grams and that is quite variable and that's the thing. With something like Phoenix, you might be able to just with one teaspoon more of like a maintenance thing that's just helping you out. But if you really want to feel the power of it doing something like two tablespoons a day, many people are going to notice that of course, you are then going to go through a bag quite quickly.

Now with the capsules here, keeping a simpler, we just recommend three capsules a day right now. That's a good starting point with a 90 capsule bottle that's going to last you a month. However, recognize that those three capsules are equivalent to just one teaspoon. So you can definitely up the dosage of the Phoenix formula and start taking a lot more of this. It's going to be a lot of capsules. If you want to get in that two tablespoon range, that's going to end up being 18 capsules. So you'd want to spread this throughout the day. You don't necessarily want to take that all at once. And of course, you'll be going through a bottle quite quickly then. But once again, you have to find the right dosage for you, what you're going for and what is going to help you best. These are some potent herbs and the combination of them together seems to do some great things for people.

That's why Phoenix formula is one of our most important formulas, one of our most popular formulas because it is doing so much in the body. You get four of these top, top herbs out there and combined together, they really do work wonders.


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