
Peaceful Antifa Wave their hands at School Bus 🤔

Peaceful Antifa Wave their hands at School Bus 🤔 Subscribe to my channel you’ll get reports every day with the latest Videos by subscribing. See you Soon!
#CNN #FarLeft #Communism

The group patiently, peacefully, and respectfully obeyed the Portland police throughout the march.

Journalist KNOCKED OUT By Far Left At Feminist Protest

CNN Interviews Proud Boy Enrique Tarrio IMMEDIATELY regrets

Portland's entire police force was on hand to ensure that the march to determine Antifa as a domestic terrorist organization went relatively smoothly. And amongst those supporting their President and the fundamental rights of all American citizens it did.

Meanwhile Antifa once again revealed exactly why it is that their Anti American Communist propaganda thuggery has reached the end of a majority of American's patience.

They beat two old men.

Chased down a father and his young daughter.

Attacked a school bus transporting pro liberty marchers with a hammer and pepper spray, breaking its windows.

But anyone watching mainstream media would be lead to believe otherwise. And of course no one supports Antifa, a leftist enforcement arm made up of angry teenagers better than national media embarrassment CNN.

According to CNN. Antifa are the good guys just peaceful protestors protecting their progressive city from evil nationalists.

Credit Subscribe Jon Bowne Reports.

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Community Guidelines Disclaimer: The points of view and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about the subject.


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