
Title IX. No Means No. Yes Means Yes. But Yes Means No WHENEVER SHE CHANGES HER MIND

Title IX. No Means No. Yes Means Yes. But Yes Means No WHENEVER SHE CHANGES HER MIND Another mind boggling Title IX story.

This time, a woman accuses a man of actual literal rape; he allegedly physically restrained and had sex with the woman. the time, he claims she gave consent, and even provided the condom...

But...6 months later...she reported it as rape to the Title IX office at Pennsylvania State University...and he of course was suspended for a year and he's now suing PSU because of due process violations as he well should.

At what point will this insanity end? Title IX was just a warm up for metoo and guilty by accusation and this nonsense is now spreading into the legal legal system as Canadian Bill C-51 was recently passed (in the wake of the Jian Ghomeshi trial) which...didn't turn out how the feminists expected it to.

Guys, you are literally taking your own future in your hands if you're banging chicks. It is just not worth it. Hire one if you need some pooty. As soon as you engage in sex, you now have the sword of Damocles hanging above your head. And she can clip that string AT ANY TIME guys, even years later.

It sucks guys but if you are ever in a he said/she said situation, they will believe her. Nothing you can do or say will matter. That's the way it is unfortunately.

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Copyright @2019 James Maxwell, All Rights Reserved

Title IX Nightmare,Pennsylvania State University,Ashe Schow,Campus Epidemic,

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