A Chandrakant Singh directorial, the film stars Arbaaz Khan, Aindrita Ray and Vikas Verma as leads and is set to hit the screens on 27th September 2019.
#MainZaroorAaunga #ArbaazKhan #AindritaRay #VikasVerma
Cast: Arbaaz Khan, Andrita Ray, Govind Namdev, Vikas Verma, Hemant Pandey, Vineet Verma, Ali Shah, Jeba Baig
Directed by: Chandrakant Singh
Written by: M. Salim
Produced by: Mahendra Singh Namdev
Co-Produced by: Mukesh Namdev. Manoj Namdev, Amit Singh Namdev, Aditya Singh Namdev, Aryaman Singh Namdev
DOP - Johny Lal
Music - Rajendra Shiv, Sandeep Batra, Sughat
Choreographer - Firoz Khan
Action - Hanif
Editor - Ashish Gaikar
Background Music - Dharma Vish
PR & Marketing - Arati Salgaonkar & Suhas - Perception Managers
Publicity Design - Lalji Wagh (VOW Design)
Music on Zee Music Company
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