
2020 Census: Recruiting Ads (English & Spanish) and Examples of Other Materials (TRT 1:43)

2020 Census: Recruiting Ads (English & Spanish) and Examples of Other Materials (TRT 1:43) 2020 Census Jobs:

Census ad (30 secs in English) to recruit 2020 Census takers: “Hi, I’m a census taker. Good pay. Flexible hours. Help shape your communities’ future. Be a census take. Apply today.”

At 0:31 in the video are Digital Ads & Social Media, Transit Posters, Classified Ads, Flyers, Spanish Materials for the United States & Puerto Rico, Chinese, Arabic, Korean, Russian, Vietnamese, Banners and Posters, Trifolds and Pocket Folders, Materials for American India & Alaska Natives.

At 1:08, additional Census ad (30 secs in Spanish).

Download MP4 file:

The Census Bureau is working to fill thousands of positions nationwide in order to update this address list. As of March 4, more than 170,000 recruits had already completed job applications to qualify for temporary census jobs and more than 800 had been hired.

More will be hired through the year for jobs in the spring and summer of 2020. That’s when census workers knock on doors to interview people who don’t respond to the census.

Applicants can qualify for both field and office positions. The office positions, which are more limited, will be located in area census offices. The role of these offices is to recruit, select, hire, train, manage, and pay all office and field staff who work within the designated boundaries of the geographic territory assigned to the office.

Between January and March 2019, 39 area census offices for the Address Canvassing operation will become ready for business (see national map for locations and pay rates). Ultimately, another 209 such offices will open by September as the 2020 Census gears up for peak operations. That includes going door to door to follow up with households that don’t initially respond.

America Counts Story:

National Map:

#2020Census #2020CensusJobs #hiring2020census #2020CensusTeam

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