
#CopSucker Triggered Over Camera At COPWATCH for No Insurance. Car Towed. Peabody Mass.

#CopSucker Triggered Over Camera At COPWATCH for No Insurance. Car Towed. Peabody Mass. While arriving at my friend's house I noticed someone was being pulled over and possibly extorted by the local police department in Peabody Massachusetts. I dropped my things off and headed over to the traffic stop. After arriving at the traffic stop I made contact with people at the local tow company and gave them my card. Soon thereafter a copsucker approached and we had an interesting interaction. The police stepped in, which eventually led to them trying to give me advice over the situation. Check out the video, I hope you enjoy!!! Thank you for all your support, as usual it is greatly appreciated. Much love, respect and appreciation!!! 💚💛❤

#MassAccountability #PoliceThePolice #PhotographyIsNotACrime #AlwaysFilmThePolice #FilmThePolice #FTP #AFTP #PINAC #KnowledgeIsPower #Salem #Boston #Peabody #Beverly #Ipswich #Swampscott #Lynn #NorthShore #Mass #Massachusetts #KnowYourRights #BlueLinePrivilege #ThinBlueLinePrivilege #ThinBlueLine #BootLicker #Trump #Trump2020 #Cuckservative #Clinton #Hillary2020 #Snowflake


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