

LVS SOCK ACCOUNTS,TROLLS, AND SIMPLY CHILDISH DISRESPECT No Youtube Community Chat contained herein. No doxing of personal information. I will be preparing and releasing more. This exposure should be a wakeup call to the silliness being displayed. This is not an attack. It is a counter to the bullying. Most have zero idea the effort these people have done and continue to do to forward their agenda. Recently, Mr Pozner, whose child was the first victim at Sandy Hook School was awarded $450,000 judgment against a man who bullied and harassed him. The path being taken by members of the YouTube Las Vegas Shooting Community is running an exact parallel track. Look it up. Shocking. Identical. To date against myself is an undeniable and fully documented crime (Federal) of harrassment by use of a communication device and facilty (Service Provider). It seems trivial, but the person's conduct escalated against myself and she recruited and used others to facilitate what was believed to be "fun." That is called Conspiracy and is defined in 18 U.S.C. Section 371. No person wants to turn in something like this. I do not. However, as the witness who came forward has said, "Deryl has no idea what she will do." Herein, there is a bit......not nearly all, and a lot of redactions are made but you will finally see. I base the future of this issue solely on the ceasing the attacks on my home, family, myself. It is fine to argue one's belief about whatever issue you are in on social media but there is a legal line that does exist. In my case, we have the Title 18 violation as it was preplanned in concert with others and crossed State lines by way of communication device. This is my notice of Tort. Actually, to resolve such before an action it does two things: 1) Can act as a mediation; and/or 2) shows future jurists of reason that a genuine effort was made to resolve the issue before another event occurs. It is no accident I myself have waited to make this video.

No sound, no voice. It shows preplanning to dox, harrass, prank call, slander, on issues. I peppered the video with unrelated screenshots so the viewer can have a 20 second break here and there to see some reality away from what social med iui a looks like. That's why you see other stuff and I go back to the socks and trolls thereafter.

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Trolls,Las Vegas Conspiracy,Sock Accounts,Bullies,

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