1. this keyboard comes with no power supply. you must have a power supply for this keyboard, however you know it works after watching this video.
2. you must be sure you no longer need your psr 220 or psr 230, be absolutely sure you no longer need it and know someone who would like a psr 195. 3. the instrument comes with no manual or battery compartment. the manual can be found at www.yamaha.com under documents and data for your region.
finally the instrument is great for small households.
yamaha introduced this keyboard back in 1998 with the education features commonly found on the psr e models and the yamaha ez models. this would make a p[erfect gift for a starter musician.
you do get midi but be aware windows 10 users need to download the midi driver and invest in a midi cable since these are standard midi ports.
keyboard specs.
total number of voices, 100.
total number of styles, 100.
total number of songs, 100.
number of keys, 61.
tuch response, no.
multi pads, yes.
metronome, yes.
transpose and tuning, yes.
reverb, no.
education feature, yes.
those are the overall specs