
How to clean your dog's ears at home

How to clean your dog's ears at home Our last video
Dog Festival - Kukur Tihar | Diwali

Keeping your dogs ears clean helps prevent ear infection and health problems. Both our dogs Zazu the Labrador and Walle the German Shorthaired Pointer spend a lot of time outdoors which sometimes causes dirt and wax build up in their ears.

In this video we will show you how we examine and clean their ears every week. First we look for any discharge from the ears and then do a smell test. The things we need in order to clean the dog’s ears are a good ear cleaning liquid, there are many great options to choose from, some cotton balls and q tips it isn't really needed but sometimes I use it to clean outside the ears, and lastly some treats for rewards.

We pour the liquid till you fill the ear canal. Unlike our ear canals, dogs ears canals are very different. It is shaped like the letter L. Hold the ear flap upright and carefully fill the ear canal with cleaning solution. And then slowly massage for at least 30 seconds. Then use a cotton ball to clean wipe out an excess liquid and dirty from the ears.

Then follow the same procedure on the other side. As you can see Zazu is very easy dog to handle but not all dogs are the same. When I said not all dogs are the same, this is what I meant.

Virbac Epi-Otic Advanced Ear Cleaner

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