
Kettlebell Workout For Maximum Fat Loss

Kettlebell Workout For Maximum Fat Loss #KettlebellWorkout #Kettlebelltraining

Kettlebell Workout for Maximum Fat Loss

Today I'm walking you through a tabata style Kettlebell Workout for Maximum Fat Loss. You can do this one with one kettlebell anywhere at anytime - home, hotel, gym or outside.

Tabata refers to doing a movement for 20 seconds on and then resting for 10 seconds. It's a great way to get your heart rate up or just add variety to your training.

Here's how the Kettlebell Workout for Maximum Fat Loss Looks:

Run through each movement for 20 seconds - followed by 10 seconds of rest. We have 4 total movements so 1 round will take 2 minutes. Repeat 5-10 times for a 10-20 minute workout.

Movement 1: Kettlebell Swings - this is a classic movement for your butt, back, and core. Plus the shoulders get involved a bit too. This one will also help you develop power through your hips and glutes.

Movement 2: Kettlebell Goblet Squat
The goblet squat allows you to get into the optimal squat position and can work wonders for people who struggle with barbell squats. Plus if you squeeze the kettlebell you'll bring your shoulders and chest into the movement as well.

Movement 3: 1 Arm Kettlebell Push Press
This is more of an advanced movement so take your time here. You can rotate arms every rep or do 1 side and then do the other side on the next round. This is one of my favorite shoulder, upper chest and tricep movements.

Movement 4: Kettlebell Planks
This might look easy but balancing on the kettlebell brings your whole core into this movement. Don't underestimate this one.

And there you have it. Give this one a shot at your next workout.

If you enjoyed this workout - I have a fully body dumbbells only workout you can try here:

If you workout at home with zero equipment check this full body strength training program out:

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