
Top 15 Countries with the Largest Trade Deficit and their Deficit Decomposition (1962-2018)

Top 15 Countries with the Largest Trade Deficit and their Deficit Decomposition (1962-2018) Top 15 countries with the largest trade deficit from 1962 to 2018 based on deficit value in millions USD and their deficit decomposition by commodity. A trade deficit is an amount by which the value of imports exceeds the value of exports. A trade surplus is an amount by which the value of exports exceeds the value of imports. The total deficit of a country is the sum of the deficits in the commodities, for which the value of imports exceeds the value of exports, minus the sum of surpluses in the commodities, for which the value of exports exceeds the value of imports.

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#Comtrade #deficit #trade

Trade war,Comtrade,trade deficit,deficit,import,export,Deficit Decomposition,Machinery,transport,equipment,manufacture,material,Chemicals,Mineral,fuels,lubricants,commodities,Animal,vegetable,oils,fats,Beverages,tobacco,Food,Argentina,Australia,Belgium,Brazil,Canada,China,France,Germany,Greece,Hong Kong,Hungary,India,Iraq,Ireland,Israel,Italy,Japan,Kuwait,Libya,Mexico,Nigeria,Norway,Philippines,Korea,Singapore,South Africa,Spain,Thailand,Turkey,USA,United Kingdom,Venezuela,

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