
When Cross Examining a Police Officer, Nit Pick at all the Key Areas of Things he Did Incorrectly

When Cross Examining a Police Officer, Nit Pick at all the Key Areas of Things he Did Incorrectly October 8, 2019.

Fayette County, KY

This was one of the best Cross Examinations I have done.

Watch the officer's body language towards the end of the questioning.

Preliminary Matters: 3:43
Cross Examination: 5:40

I CAN BE YOUR LAWYER, TOO. Call 502-931-6788 or schedule an appointment with me at http:/ TODAY!

Judge: Honorable Joseph T. Bouvier, Fayette County District Court Division 2
Defense attorney: Larry Forman, a.k.a. the DUI Guy
Prosecutor: Kevin Edelman
Arresting Officer: Demitri Max Ray, Lexington Police Department


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