

46. SIGMUND FREUD FLAT EARTH THEORY OF THE HUMAN PERSONALITY Sigmund Freud is responsible for tremendous advances in Psychology and solving some of the mental troubles of humans. At a time of mental asylums and treating the severely depressed like hopeless outcasts and quasi-prisoners, Freud psychoanalysis methods made patients face their past or the horrors which made them insane or troubles. Freud's Theory of the Id, The Superego and the Ego seems juvenile.

Freud did not study the faculties of the psyche as branches of the soul. We were an ego that was a referee deciding to obey the 'Id' our insane Satan full of desires, or our 'Superego' who was fearful of disobeying the social standards. Freud did not find a soul at the center of the self. He found a human ego mostly founded on emotional sanity. The subconscious and unconscious are different for a variety of humans as there are 4 master faculties available for every human being. The soul can build itself around reason, emotion, animal desires for pleasure and money, or physical will to survive and grow power. Depending on how we build our conscious self, we build our unconscious self as its opposite simultaneously. Different people have different subconscious minds. In General A White person builds a personality different from a Black person. Though there are always exceptions, a White person will emphasize the growth of emotion and reason. This will automatically create an animal and physical subconscious. Though there are always exceptions, a Black person will build a personality with rich animal and physical smarts and strengths. This will automatically create an emotional and intellectual subconscious. Freud did not study the variety of personalities in humanity.
A Good psychologist is soul-centered not emotionally-centered. The soul can comprehend all 4 faculties of the soul and all types of personalities. The emotions can only understand emotions.


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