
6 ways guy test women | How some guys decide if they’re going to respect you

6 ways guy test women | How some guys decide if they’re going to respect you @kevhick24

Kev hick talks life

I want to preface this video by saying any guy testing you in these ways is trying to gain leverage that he most likely can’t be trusted with. Sometimes I talk to women who experience such overtly rebellious behavior from guys they literally think to themselves what the hell is he thinking? Is this a test? Is he serious? He must be testing me? They usually tell me Kevin I couldn’t believe it. But don’t worry I played it cool though. I ask them why. They say why what? Why’d you play it cool.
Letting shit slide only lead to more undesirable behavior. Either correct him or make an exit. Don’t play it cool.
They say well I didn’t wanna show that it bothered me and be emotional. Listen ladies you don’t have to be emotional to correct a man. Say what you have to say in a low voice with a straight face, and then let the awkward silence ring like a siren 🚨. You can show you’re serious without raising your voice and spilling feelings all over the place. So again either correct them confront them or move on. Don’t endure undesirable behaviors in order to impress them. You’ll be doing it forever.

With that said in no particular order the first on the list is

They say rude or critical things to see if you stand up for yourself or correct them.
If you don’t appear to have a temper or you just laugh off every insensitive or inappropriate comment your showing him that you are willing to endure anything to be in his company and you like him too much to show your anger.
A man who’s insulting or rude from the beginning is trying to acclimate you to light verbal abuse and manipulation. A man who chooses not to watch his tongue or has no control of his mouth has to see if you’re compatible with his abrasive methods of communication. Don’t go for it or it will become the culture of your relationship if you get that far. Men also know that if a woman lets him talk down to her she likes him too much to stop his advances.

They don’t text back or go missing to see how you respond

Abandonment is generally indicative of indifference. However sometimes it’s strategic. Sometimes your reaction or obvious relief after not hearing from a guy tells him all he needs to know about who’s holding the cards. Many women panic or get frustrated or send a barrage of text messages. The power to piss a woman off is an indicator of attachment. The fears of additional and future abandonments make some women much easier to control. They make themselves fun and convenient to try to keep a guy interested. They break their own rules because they’ve felt his rejection before. Some would do anything to close the gap...anything.

They try to order you to do things.
Telling women what to do is an easy way to measure her eagerness to please. When a man is granted authority he didn’t earn he knows he is the prize and he knows you’re willing to chase him. .....continued

6 ways guys test women,ways guys test girls,how guys can tell you like the,how guts figure oyt they have the leverage,why guys are jerks,how to get men to respect you,

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