
Analyzing Andrew Yang’s “Free Money” and why you should support it

Analyzing Andrew Yang’s “Free Money” and why you should support it Popular conservative author and YouTuber Mark Dice recently smeared Andrew Yang comparing him to the Jack Nicholson Joker in the 1980s Batman movie implying Yang was simply giving out free money for votes. Although this clip provided comedic value, it lacked anything else such as intelligence or truth.
Here’s what Dice and the people like him should understand about Yang and his Freedom Dividend flagship policy.
#1 In a society that places such a significant value on money, the Freedom Dividend puts value on every United States Citizen including those that don’t participate in the job market and yet provide valuable contributions such as stay-at-home moms and charity workers. As Yang puts it, it’s Capitalism that doesn’t start at zero.
#2 Local and Federal government programs addressing poverty spend tremendous amounts of money. But because of government bureaucracy, massive administration costs, mismanagement, and corruption, little of the money goes to the people who need it. The city of Baltimore is a good example of this where millions of dollars from Federal, State, and other sources are unaccounted for. The Freedom Dividend is the most efficient way to address poverty and replaces many current programs.
#3 The Freedom Dividend is the most effective way to address the realities of automation which will continue to accelerate due to advancements in robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI.)
#4 The Freedom Dividend strengthen families. Countless families are struggling financially which causes stress and emotional issues that negatively impact children. A traditional family unit with a mother and father would receive an additional $2,000 a month in income. Not only would that significantly help them raise their family, it would encourage couples to stay together, and it will help young couples to begin families.
#5 The labor participation rate clearly demonstrates a sharp decline in employment for young people since the year 2000, and an actual increase for workers 55 and over. Putting $1,000 a month into the hands of kids turning 18 gives them greater independence and self-worth which addresses the current issues of depression, drug overdoses, and suicide.
Universal Basic Income is not a perfect solution that solves all problems, but it’s the best solution to address the realities of the acceleration of automation and the other issues mentioned. It’s easy for People like Mark Dice and others like him to try and demean this plan, but where is there proposal that would be more effective in addressing these issues? It doesn’t exist.
Andrew Yang is more in touch with the American people than any other candidate. It’s time for the American People to be more in touch with Andrew Yang.

Mark Dice – Poor Ol' Joe! -
Bureau of Labor Statistics - Labor force participation: what has happened since the peak? – The Freedom Dividend -


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