
Crustal Slip Hypothesis Explained -Charles Hutchins Hapgood - Cosmic Cover-Up Connection

Crustal Slip Hypothesis Explained -Charles Hutchins Hapgood - Cosmic Cover-Up Connection In 1958, Hapgood published The Earth's Shifting Crust. It denied the existence of continental drift, an idea that was not supported by mainstream science for another decade. The book included a foreword by Albert Einstein. In Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings (1966) and The Path of the Pole (1970), Hapgood proposed the hypothesis that the Earth's axis has shifted numerous times during geological history. The Path of the Pole was meant as a replacement for The Earth's Shifting Crust after corrections were suggested to him. Hapgood writes in Voices of Spirit (1975): "In later discussions we discussed the theories of my book ‘Earth’s Shifting Crust’, and he [Einstein] suggested that one of them was wrong; as a result of this I revised my book, which subsequently was republished as ‘The Path of the Pole’. My own further research confirmed the truth of his observation, which involved technicalities of geophysics.”

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Leah and I are two humans who no longer support the inhuman, oligarchic empire model destroying our planet and our true nature as human beings. As activists we decided to do something about it, so we opted out of our former lives to begin anew. We are currently transforming pristine alpine wilderness into a self-sustaining homestead and organic farm in preparation for the upcoming collapse. We plan on developing and executing every single step of the process in open source format for the benefit of all humanity. With our backgrounds in academia and the sciences (climatology, geology, physics, biology, chemistry, and more) we hope to uncover the lies perpetrated by the mass media. It will be presented here and on our website in a systematic and thorough process. As you can imagine, this is a multifaceted, lifelong project, and we are so passionately excited to take the next steps towards self sufficiency and our dream! Won't you join us?


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pole Shift,crustal slip,Charles Hapgood,Path of the Poles,

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