People will take you into bad habits thinking you don't think highly of yourself. It'll become a self fulfilling prophesy. Just because they limit themselves, doesn't mean you need to. Limited beliefs lead to limited actions lead to limited expectations of yourself and the people around you.
People have always tried to limit me, put me in a box. They'll put a ceiling on what you can reach when you're succeeding and they believe you can never succeed when you're failing. They'll treat you like you can never have success again. If you believe them, you're at a major disadvantage. Most people are conforming to other people's expectations in some way, shape or form.
I don't want that for you/for your life. You don't want that for your life either. You don't need to tell them. Don't cause arguments because they're probably trying to help you. Just because someone's trying to help you, doesn't mean they're actually helping.
You know what really will help you? The thoughts and knowledge of the greatest minds in the world. I've read and summarised hundreds of books from the greatest thinkers to have ever walked the earth.
I'm no longer giving away the powerpoints for free. I'm still giving away some of my books for free at this link -
You'll be able to think on a level like Einstein, Genghis Khan, Sam Walton. You'll be able to think on a higher level. You'll realise that they're not where they got to because of an exceptional IQ. It's from an unquenshable thirst for information.
When you learn what they knew, you'll realise that there are no real limits other than the laws of physics. You'll also receive a special offer for watching this video :).