
People Grow Apart And That's Okay

People Grow Apart And That's Okay Imagine having every single person in your life from day one. That would be impossible right? I think it's important to cherish the people we do have and let go of the ones who just aren't good enough. One of my flaws is I have a big heart and I am a 50/50 person and the last 2 years(specially this year) I learned that not everyone who you would give to will do the same. Rather it's time, effort, energy, support, love. I take titles seriously and if I am your friend I am that, if I am your lover I am that. Sometimes when we try to hold on to those people or sometimes even beg them to stay and they just don't want to or they don't have the love that you have; their not worth it. Sometimes it's the people closes who surprises you the most, sometimes it's those who you least expect who are there. It's best to have a friendship and a love for yourself. Surround yourself with people who are genuine, who are real and who you feel comfortable with. It's not about the quantity of people you have, it's the quality of what those few people you need/want have to offer. ~V


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