
Spoken English Program to Schools - Dialogue Booster from 3H Learning - Tamil version

Spoken English Program to Schools - Dialogue Booster from 3H Learning - Tamil version Spoken English' is a tactical problem for most Schools.

Conventional Spoken English Programs using grammar route to teaching Spoken English are really boring.

For Teaching Spoken English to their Students, Schools have 2 choices till now:

1. Having their own Teachers and

2. Giving contract to outsiders.

Schools have not been able to get adequate success with both the above choices. They have not been able to make their students speak in English.

In the first choice, lack of required skill-sets with own teachers is a big problem; Even if Schools are willing to spend heavily on own Teachers to develop the required Skill-sets, depending on such Teachers makes the Schools vulnerable - with the program coming to a grinding halt when such Teachers leave the School for various reasons.

The Second choice - Contract to Outsiders is a costly preposition with no adequate guarantee of results. In addition, depending on outsiders for such important area is not advisable in the long run.

If so, what choice is left with the Schools?

3H Learning presents Dialogue Booster as the third choice with the following advantages..

1. A School can implement Spoken English Program with own teachers - even if these teachers are not good in English! Surprised?

2. These Teachers are not required to Teach! They are only required to do 'Class-room Management'!! The Program is so designed.

3. Dialogue Booster Program uses a very natural immersion technique using Multi-Sensory Methodology like learning one's own mother tongue - easy, effective, enjoyable and effortless.

4. What's more, even your School's other teachers can learn Spoken English in their free periods by attending Dialogue Booster's language labs - meaning, the School can train their other Teachers without spending a penny!!

5. The icing in the cake - The Spoken English program will continue unaffected even if the School's teacher implementing Dialogue Booster program leaves the School in the middle for what ever reasons. Any Teacher can take over and run the program unhindered.

What more a School wants?

Contact / Whatsapp 3H Learning for a live demo at your School with complete details about your School

Team 3H Learning


Ph: +91 80561 81204


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