
Tiger snake in Tasmania - You really have to pay attention

Tiger snake in Tasmania - You really have to pay attention I had just used a push mower to mow a strip of lawn. Lucky I did or I would not have seen this snake - the grass was very long. I was not concentrating and admiring the landscape and came within a metre of this snake which did not move away. I backed up very fast. Sadly it then moved on and went into our woodshed and we are unsure if it is still there. There are 3 snakes in Tasmania and all are venomous. This was a beautiful example of a Tiger snake and it is possible the mower disturbed it from its hibernation space. So it was likely first time out this year. I had shorter rubber boots on so I would have been bitten if I had stepped on it. I quickly changed to my longer rubber boots after meeting this snake and have been looking out for it to see where it may have gone now.


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