
3.5 Days in Bangalore, India | Things To Do | A Cosmopolitan City

3.5 Days in Bangalore, India | Things To Do | A Cosmopolitan City Years ago a friend told me that Bangalore is very cosmopolitan, and I didn't really understand what he meant. Now I get it.

Cosmopolitan: adjective
1. including or containing people from many different countries.
"immigration transformed the city into a cosmopolitan metropolis"

I loved my time in Bangalore, and honestly I only ran into people from India, but it did still feel rather cosmopolitan. People were from all different states so there's definitely a blend of backgrounds, foods, and languages, and a lot of the young professionals I met had been to several countries for work or holiday. I could easily have a typical conversation with most of the people I met in Bangalore, the same way I'd have a conversation with someone I met in the USA - free flowing, easy going, similar work-life balance issues, desires, etc.

That being said, I also love Bangalore for it's cultural uniqueness. The new foods, busy streets, cheap transportation, history, emerging technology, socio-political activism, and hospitality, to me, all make Bangalore... Bangalore.

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