
After SPIN! Video - 1|24|2020 - 'Should the Pledge of Allegiance be mandatory at public meetings?'

After SPIN! Video - 1|24|2020 - 'Should the Pledge of Allegiance be mandatory at public meetings?' Question to John Hood and Cash Michaels – Recently we’ve seen controversy surrounding the pledge of allegiance. A majority of members of the Bladen County Board of Elections opposed opening their meetings by reciting the pledge and the chairwoman even threatened to call the police if anyone attempted to say the pledge. She has since changed her decision, but this is developing into a political battle. What is the opposition to saying the pledge? Should the pledge be standard for public meetings? Should it be mandatory?

NC SPIN,@ncspintweets,Tom Campbell,balanced debate,#ncgov,#ncpol,#ncga,#nchealth,,Carolina Broadcasting,North Carolina,

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