
Bayer Alitte Fungicide | Systemic | Fungicide | Fosetyl Al 80% WP | Bayer | The Advance Agriculture

Bayer Alitte Fungicide | Systemic | Fungicide | Fosetyl Al 80% WP | Bayer | The Advance Agriculture This video only education purpose.
Note. कीटनाशक दवाइयों को बच्चों और जीव जंतु की पहुंच से दूर रखें.
The advance agriculture channel

“किसी भी दवाइयों को अपनी फसलों में छिड़काव करने से पहले उसमें दी गई जानकारी को अच्छी तरीके से पढ़ ले उसी के बाद छिड़काव करें”

Note:- The main objective of making this video is only educational knowledge and not any Paid video, this video only provides education knowledge to farmer friends, and the information described in this video has shared our experience. This channel will not be responsible for the advantages and disadvantages of crops. Please note that before spraying any pesticides, read the information given in it carefully.

Bayer Alitte fungicide,systemic fungicide,

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