
General Welfare Presents: Paul Glumaz, LaRouche Movement POSSIBILITIES OF TOMORROW 1|22|20

General Welfare Presents:  Paul Glumaz, LaRouche Movement POSSIBILITIES OF TOMORROW 1|22|20 In the middle of the ongoing coup against the President, 190 billionaires lined up at Davos, Switzerland along with the leading bankers to openly push for genocide of the human race. Trump's response was to powerfully invoke a concept of civilization emphasizing the role of the worker, the family, the role of science, creativity, and future discoveries, including next generation nuclear power, and references to the creativity and spirit of the European Renaissance, including the building of the Florentine Dome. "But to embrace the possibilities of tomorrow, we must reject the perennial prophets of doom and their predictions of the apocalypse... These alarmists always demand the same thing: absolute power to dominate, transform, and control every aspect of our lives."

Never before in U.S political history have the billionaires behind the political veil been forced to come out into the open to campaign directly with their own money and person to promote the agendas of impeachment and green genocide. Hedge fund billionaire Tom Styer is but one example, using a bogus presidential campaign as a cover to spend hundreds of millions on Trump impeachment ads on TV and the internet. Michael Bloomberg is another who intends to spend $2 billion on ads calling for the impeachment of Donald Trump as part of his also bogus presidential bid. Then there is George Soros and many others. This is not going to go very well. Rather this effort is driving up support for Bernie Sanders among the progressives, and Donald Trump among the working class. These are the hard core criminal billionaires who profited from looting the population. Perhaps they see too late the handwriting on the wall for their class, and are desperate to forestall their possible prison terms.

In order to safeguard my mental health I am not watching any of the impeachment hearings in the U.S. Congress. A massive overdose of sophistry is not good for one's health. There is much more which you will hear at the meeting.

President Trump,Impeachment,New Bretton Woods,billionaires,Bloomberg,Bernie,Democrats,LaRouche,Schiller Institute,Movisol,Solidarite et Progres,industry,agriculture,green new deal,

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