
Invitation to Evidence Based Astrology Workshop at ISAR 2020 Conference

Invitation to Evidence Based Astrology Workshop at ISAR 2020 Conference The International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR) Conference is September 9 - 14, 2020 in Westminster, Colorado, which is just outside Denver, Colorado. The opening ceremony for the main part of the conference is at 1 PM on Thursday, September 10. Included with registration for the main conference is a panel discussion of the next USA presidential election on Wednesday evening and an Evidence Based Astrology Workshop 9 - 11:30 AM on Thursday morning.

If you are attending the ISAR 2020 Conference consider arriving early enough to attend the Evidence Based Workshop 9 - 11:30 AM on Thursday because it will be an eye-opening look into the future of where astrology is headed. Again, this workshop is included with the conference registration. In other words, there is no additional charge. The Wednesday evening panel discussion is also included.

In the Evidence Based Astrology Workshop on Thursday morning we will learn how new Information Age tools are already producing exciting advancements in our understanding of astrology. Astrology is undergoing a transformation and this is an opportunity for all of us to participate in this transformation and participate in it.

For more information about the ISAR Conference visit


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