
Jurassic Reimagined P.1 Giants in The Sands of Time

Jurassic Reimagined P.1 Giants in The Sands of Time Join us as we explore the Late Jurassic Morrison Formation in search of giant dinosaurs, and clues to how they lived and evolved in their ancient world...

In Jurassic Reimagined part 1, we'll introduce you to the Morrison Formation, what it is, and how it formed, and what we know about it's geology and its dinosaur diversity. And even after 150 years of intense scientific exploration and study, the Jurassic rocks of north America still hold many mysteries, and countless fossils still waiting to be discovered.

This documentary series was made in collaboration with paleontologists Matt Wedel, ReBecca Hunt-Foster and John Foster, and was filmed by paleoartist Brian Engh over the course of five years exploring the Jurassic rocks of Utah and Colorado.

To see more of my art, visit my website
You can also follow me on FB/Twitter/Instagram @BrianEngh_art

You can find ReBecca Hunt-Foster on Instagram and Twitter @Paleochick

You can follow Matt Wedel's blog on all things anatomy and giant sauropod dinosaurs at

You can see John Foster hard at work in the fossil preparation lab at the Utah Field House of Natural History State Park Museum in Vernal Utah, where you can also see some of the fossils we've collected during the making of this documentary.

We also owe a big thanks to Dr. Randall Irmis, Carrie Levitt-Bussian and Tyler Birthisel, the Natural History Museum of Utah, who have been working with John in collaboration with the to excavate the rare sauropod Dystrophaeus.

Music by Historian Himself

Stay tuned for upcoming videos. We've got some pretty exciting stuff to show you.


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