
MNy_045 Lesser Discourse on the (Ways of) Undertaking Dhamma, I.B. Horner, (Dec 2019, Audio Texts)

MNy_045 Lesser Discourse on the (Ways of) Undertaking Dhamma, I.B. Horner, (Dec 2019, Audio Texts) Audio Texts.....""These four, monks, are (ways of) undertaking Dhamma. What four? There is, monks, the undertaking of Dhamma that is happiness in the present but results in suffering in the future. There is, monks, the undertaking of Dhamma that is both suffering in the present as well as resulting in suffering in the future. There is, monks, the undertaking of Dhamma that is suffering in the present but results in happiness in the future. There is, monks, the undertaking of Dhamma that is both happiness in the present as well as resulting in happiness in the future.
And what, monks, is the undertaking of Dhamma that is happiness in the present, but results in suffering in the future? There are, monks, some recluses and brahmans who speak like this and are of these views: 'There is no fault in pleasures of the senses.' These come to indulgence in pleasures of the senses; these gratify themselves with girl-wanderers who tie their hair into top-knots; these speak thus: 'How can these worthy recluses and brahmans, seeing future peril among sense-pleasures, speak of getting rid of sense-pleasures, lay down a full knowledge of sense-pleasures?' Saying: 'Happiness is in the young, soft and downy arms of this girl-wanderer,' these come to indulgence in pleasures of the senses. These, having come to indulgence in sense-pleasures, at the breaking up of the body after dying arise in a sorrowful state, a bad bourn, the abyss, Niraya Hell. Here they experience feelings that are painful, sharp, acute. They speak thus: 'These worthy recluses and brahmans, seeing future peril in sense-pleasures, speak of getting rid of sense-pleasures and lay down a full knowledge of sense-pleasures. But we, because of sense-pleasures, are experiencing these feelings that are painful, sharp, acute, their provenance being sense-pleasures.'
It is as if, monks, in the last month of the hot weather, a creeper's seed-pod should burst and a seed of the creeper, monks, should fall at the root of a sal-tree. Then, monks, the devata residing in that sal-tree, afraid, agitated, might fall a-trembling. Then, monks, the friends and acquaintances, the kith and kin of that devata who resides in that sal-tree: devatas of parks, devatas of groves, devatas of trees, devatas residing in medicinal herbs, grasses and woods, gathering together and assembling might give comfort thus: 'Do not be afraid, revered one, do not be afraid, revered one. For a peacock might swallow this creeper's seed, or a deer might consume it, or a forest-fire might burn it, or workers in the wood might remove it, or white ants might eat it, or it might not germinate.' But, monks, if neither a peacock should swallow this creeper's seed, nor a deer consume it, nor a forest-fire burn it, nor workers in the wood remove it, nor white ants eat it, it might germinate..."

Majjhima Nikaya
(Middle Length Sayings)
Translated by I.B.Horner
(Cula dhamma-samadana Suttaṃ)
45. Lesser Discourse on the (Ways of) Undertaking Dhamma

MNy_045_ShorterPractices_I.B.Horner_MajjhimaNikaya.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Pro 2019-12-31 21-30-05.mp4

Audio Texts,Trung Bo Kinh,Middle Length Discourses,Majjhima Nikaya,Thich Minh Chau,Sujato,Bhikkhu Bodhi,I.B.Horner,Kinh Tr,Chữ,Đọc,sách nói,lich tran,Buddhism Sutra,Kinh Phat,

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