
Siedepunkt Bachelorausstellung 2020 Campus Hamburg | University of Applied Sciences Europe

Siedepunkt Bachelorausstellung 2020 Campus Hamburg | University of Applied Sciences Europe Experience our Bachelor's exhibition 2020 "Siedepunkt" at first hand.


With a degree from the University of Applied Sciences Europe, you set the course for your future!
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The University of Applied Sciences Europe with campus locations in Iserlohn, Berlin and Hamburg, is a state-recognized private university. With programmes in the fields of Business, Sports, Media & Event as well as Art & Design, the university is developing the creative entrepreneurs, decision-makers and designers of tomorrow.
It is our mission to give students the key qualifications that will prepare them to make a difference in the globalized world as managers, leaders and creative minds. We encourage them to user their forward-looking knowledge and their skills to push for change in economic, artistic and social realms and to set themselves apart from the crowd.
Our programs of study are progressively designed based on three strategic pillars: Internationality 4.0 - Practical Relevance 4.0 - Competency Development 4.0

uegermany,University of Applied Sciences Europe,Studium,Hamburg,Berlin,Iserlohn,Kommunkation,Video,Blog,Blogger,Youtube,Studyingermany,Germany,Praxis,Ausbildung,Agentur,Film,Future,Your Future,Media,René Scharton,Bachelor,Exhibition,Siedepunkt,Art,design,

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