
Trump defends Soleimani killing in formal notice to Congress, warns Iran against retaliation

Trump defends Soleimani killing in formal notice to Congress, warns Iran against retaliation WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump on Saturday gave Congress a defense of his decision to kill an Iranian general, even as he warned Iran the U.S. would strike them again if they retaliate for the drone attack that has drawn protests in the United States and threats of revenge from Iran."Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have targeted 52 Iranian sites" and they "WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD," Trump tweeted. "The USA wants no more threats!"As Trump tweeted his own threat, his administration submitted a document required under the War Powers Act of 1973, which requires formal notification to Congress within 48 hours of military-style action.  Three government officials confirmed that the notice was delivered late Saturday, speaking on condition of anonymity because the still-secret document is classified. A senior Democratic aide told USA TODAY it was unclear if the White House would release an unclassified version.'High alert':Iran general’s death stirs fear of wide falloutThe White House has said the strike was legally justified because Iran Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani's organization had been declared terrorists and carried out a number of attacks against U.S. troops in Iraq. Trump and other officials have also argued that Soleimani was planning future attacks on U.S. interests in the region.House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said the administration provided little justification for the strike, and she called on Trump to provide more information about why the action was taken."This document prompts serious and urgent questions about the timing, manner and justification of the Administration’s decision to engage in hostilities against Iran," Pelosi said.Pelosi said Trump's continuing confrontation of Iran "continues to put service members, diplomats and citizens of America and our allies in danger."Trump himself stayed largely out of the public eye Saturday as supporters and detractors argued over his decision to approve the attack on Soleimani – though he did issue his latest threat the U.S. would strike again if they retaliate.Terrorism threat bulletin:Department of Homeland Security sends out new terrorism threat bulletin in wake of Soleimani killing"Iran is talking very boldly about targeting certain USA assets as revenge for our ridding the world of their terrorist leader who had just killed an American, & badly wounded many others, not to mention all of the people he had killed over his lifetime," Trump said.Meanwhile, in Iran and in parts of Iraq, mourners shouted that "revenge is coming" to the United States for the drone attack that killed Soleimani, the leader of Iran’s elite Quds Force."The great nation of Iran will take revenge for this heinous crime," tweeted President Hassan Rouhani.Citing the crowds of protesters, Iran Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said on Twitter that the "end of US malign presence in West Asia has begun."In his tweet, Trump said the U.S. has identified 5


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