Experience Core Transformation – A practical & experiential 3-day workshop.
What is Core Transformation?
The Core Transformation process offers a graceful way to change unwanted thoughts, feelings and habits, and achieve personal goals you thought unattainable.
Specific changes attributed to the Core Transformation process include:
• Changing problem emotions and behaviours (i.e. anger, self-consciousness, procrastination, fear)
• Losing weight
• Improving relationships
• Overcoming depression and anxiety
• Healing addictions
• Finding fulfilling work
• Improving all aspects of health
• Creating an overall sense of inner peace, wholeness, and well-being
Come and discover how even self-defeating behaviours can become a doorway to profound inner resources.
Dates: 7th to 9th February 2020
Timings: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Language: English
Who can attend: Trainers, Counsellors, Teachers, Professors, Principals, L & D Managers, HR Managers and Life Coaches.
To book your spot and full program details visit