The unique story of Kurichya tribal community of Wayanad, Kerala is presented in this documentary. For Kurichya tribes’ conservation and farming of indigenous rice varieties are part and parcel of their daily life. Traditional Kurichya joint family consisting of more than 100 members’ lives in a single house complex and rice is essential to feed this big family. Various types of rice are also essential for diverse rituals and for the worship of their deities and ancestors. Cooking quality, grain color, fragrance, calorie value, feeling of stomach fullness, medicinal qualities, high fodder and grain yield are some of the main attributes of these landraces conserved by Kurichya. The community has succeeded in registering these varieties under The Protection of Plant Variety and Farmers Right Act. Kurichya are well aware of various beneficial organisms associated with rice fields and adopt complete Organic farming. They use traditional knowledge for storage of seeds, control of pests and diseases etc. They also promote Biodiversity in their homesteads as well as fields and utilize various plants for food, medicine, making of household articles and utensils etc. Thus, Kurichya community presents a model to conserve natural resources by common man.Film screened in many National and International Film Festivals and won many Awards.