
Improving the competencies of professionals who work with street-involved children ( webinar on SRB)

Improving the competencies of professionals who work with street-involved children ( webinar on SRB) More info:

In this webinar you will familiarize with relevant topics, what are important for working with this group of children and young people, starting from getting to know the phenomenon of "street children" to understanding the importance and the way of protecting their rights.

The focus of the webinar is on participation as a key concept for achieving the best interests of children. What is the importance of participation, not only in some, but in all segments of work with these children (admission, triage, assessment, individual plans, etc.), which forms of discrimination and prejudice these children are facing with – are only some of the questions that are going to be discussed during the webinar.

Also, special attention will be focused on developing communication skills with this specific group of children and understanding all necessary steps in the process of determining the best interests of street involved children.


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