

OUR REALITY HAS SHIFTED, ALIEN LIFE CERTAINLY WALKS|FLYS AMONG US. HERES THE PROOF. 4K HD 2020 This video contains several sightings of recent UFOs I caught here in San Antonio once again with one changing shape five or six times within a 3-minute span scrummy fireball to a double orb, to an airplane, to a helicopter, to a single rotating orb. Also have a daytime sighting of a cigar shape UFO midday in downtown San Antonio with nobody noticing but myself. I truly think these things have begun to follow me and I don't know if they're aware that I video itand that's part of it but I do know that they are aware of me one way or another there's just no way possible that they're not. If you don't watch this video at least watch the footage of the birds. At the 10-minute Mark. You are going to shit yourself. as I've stated before none of the birds in my area here in South Texas are real birds they are all artificial holograms or now after what I've seen I might go so far as saying they are some type of alienspecies as far-fetched as that sound I am only going by what I have captured and what I can see with my own eyes. I've never been this close to these birds before and they got to within about three to five feet with them sounding exactly like birds moving exactly like birds but when I go back and watch the video they are everything but birds. I challenge anybody to disagree with what I'm sayingand please let me know all about it you can dog me if you want I want somebody to because I don't want this to be real. you will see they don't have feathers they actually have skin that has the ability to take on the shape of feathers but when slow down you can see the skin the veins and how the skin crawls like it has the texture of a lizard's back. You honestly have to see it to believe I've never seen anything like this in my life and I have seen some really weird shit before. This takes the cake. Or is it least in my top two. And I make it a point to go look for strange shit. Towards the end of the video I have tons of cloud antsand I'm going to continue putting them in on my videos to try to get the point across that these things are constantly multiplying and absolutely engulf the entire sky even if you can see them or not I'm telling you they cover the sky's almost more than the sky covers the sky.. we are slowly and blindly being invaded or taken over by some unknown unknown. But it ishappening and it can only be a matter of time before something tilts one way or the other. They're not just going to go awayand they are here for a purpose or a reason with so many fan with their stealth capabilities they're not just checking us out and leaving. I mean what happened to the Sun? ears absolutely zero doubt in my heart that these things are tied in with that as well one way or another don't know how but I do know so . this is probably also why there are so many underground cities or bunkers for when the shit hits the fan because it will hit the fan. Last thing, I don't think aliens come from another planetthat's just ridiculous and impossible if you seriously sit down and think about the facts it's just not happening that way they've either been here or there from here or there from part of this planet we are unaware of or not told about. Crazy times to live in

Family,fun,hilarious,laughing,SIGHTING,Good time,kids,toys,pets,animals,dogs,cats,NASA,Antarctica,Australia,wildfire,Trump,mainstream,trending,history,educational,CERN,SCIENCE,

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