
Reason #5 They hope the market is good so they have a good year

Reason #5 They hope the market is good so they have a good year 🤔16 reasons why most real estate agents will sell less than 12 homes in 2020.....

To continue with reason #5 They hope the market is good so they can have a good year.

👂 I have heard this many times, agents lean on whether it’s a good market or a bad market to determine their success. This really should not matter. If you have all your systems set up then your lead flow should be great no matter what the market does. If you have those systems in place this will help with the consistency.

When I got into the business 17 years ago the market was very hot and Agents were selling houses so fast, the junk was selling and no marketing really had to be done because the houses were selling so fast. See I never got to really experience that and I think that was good thing because I had to really learn how to market myself and learn how to do the business and this was before internet leads like Zillow to depend on.

What can make you a great agent is if you do not allow what the news says about the market and allow that to mess with your head. It is important to know market trends and to be able to pivot your business when needed, this will help with fluctuations in the market.

One of my best years in Real Estate was actually during the recession. You see during this time many agents were moaning and groaning about how bad the market was and they allowed those thoughts to take over and then their business went down the tubes.

But the trick was to pivot your business. During this time many people homes were underwater in value and it was hard to sell homes, and people that lost their jobs couldn’t pay their mortgage were forced to sell and may have been upside down. This was the opportunity to learn about Short Sales and then embrace it. So that was one of the things that I did during the recession, which was a bad market.

Also, to never stop marketing (farming), I noticed when the market was down Agents also stopped doing the things that work for them and I took this as a great time to position myself and kept farming.

It is important to remember that it doesn’t matter if its good market or bad market, if you have your systems in place for your lead generation and your follow-up systems you can do very well no matter what.

So don’t let the market determine your destiny, you determine your destiny by not letting the market dictate how you think.

Keep a positive mindset and as always I am here to help!
Take Care!


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