Tim Mee's Galaxy Laser Team = 1978. Don't be taken in by vendors even mistakenly claiming them to be 1960s, let alone Marx or MPC product. Made in the USA by Processed Plastics 1978 to the present day. The "Space.Trucks" videos, Instagram feed and related blog are for sharing my enthusiasm for vintage, antique & offbeat Space Toys with other grownup collectors and are not made with child-age audiences in mind.
Web Blog: Instagram: space.trucks #timmee #processedplastics #galaxylaserteam
Tim Mee Toys Galaxy Laser Team,Processed Plastics Space Toys,HO Scale Spacemen,Steve Nyland Artist Curator,Toy Collecting for Grownups,Bez Driving GI Joe's ATV 6x6,1:64 Scale Figures for Diorama Creation,