
Russiagate and Ukraine witch hunts have damaged the ability of future presidents to prevent a war

Russiagate and Ukraine witch hunts have damaged the ability of future presidents to prevent a war If not for President Trump’s courage and fortitude, the deep state coup might have succeeded:

President Donald Trump has been locked in an unprecedented struggle with intelligence agencies and a rogue Justice Department that sought to destroy him, his campaign and eventually his presidency, since before he was elected—an effort if not to disenfranchise then certainly to demoralize the 63 million Americans who voted for him in 2016. President Trump is standing up for the Constitution, his office and the American people to secure liberty for everyone and to keep us out of war. No other president could have withstood this assault on our constitutional form of government and the basic ability to conduct foreign relations. But the damage has been palpable. For years to come, this will create a real obstacle for this President and future presidents to deal with Russia diplomatically. Future presidents might cower from Russia hawks in future administrations who might use similar blackmail to strong arm policy, leading us potentially into a unnecessary conflict. Under similar circumstances, with such allegations of treason pervasive against an administration, incidents like the Cuban Missile Crisis might not be able to be resolved peacefully, making this madness, this national or at least partisan hysteria about Russia a bona fide threat to national security. In the nuclear age, presidents must have the ability to deal diplomatically with other nuclear powers. There is simply too much at stake. What do you think?


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