
To Have Peace of Mind Forever - Give up this | Swami Mukundananda

To Have Peace of Mind Forever - Give up this |  Swami Mukundananda 📱 To receive inspirational videos of Swami Mukundananda:
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In this video, Swami Mukundananda talks about the one thing in life, which, when we give up, helps us attain peace of mind forever.

We all want to have Peace of Mind, but why we don't have it all the time. That is because of the worldly desires of our mind. The problem with these desires is that if it's satiated, it may result in some temporary happiness, but soon you will find the need to have more, or the greed creeps in. In contrast, if these desires are not satisfied, it results in Anger, which also means your mind is agitated and never really in peace.

Therefore to have peace of mind forever, you need to give up the worldly desires which can never satisfy the soul. Watch more to find out.

Action item: Think about the times your mind got agitated in the past. What was the reason behind it? If you lost peace of mind because of Anger, what was the desire that caused it? If you were never satisfied even after attaining what you wanted, contemplate deeply about the nature of that desire. Make a firm resolve to get rid of the Worldly desires and understand that true happiness is only in God and not in the World.

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About Swami Mukundananda:
Swami Mukundananda is a renowned spiritual leader, philosopher, visionary, author, and humanitarian. He is the founder of the yogic system called “JKYog.” Swamiji is a unique sanyasi (in the renounced order of life), with distinguished degrees in Engineering and Management from two world-famous Institutes in India, IIT and IIM. He is a senior disciple of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj.

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