Yes, people !! As one of Canada's biggest mail enthusiasts & probably one of Canada Post's biggest non-business customers ( I'm only a person who loves sending & receiving mail !! ), I have taken it upon myself to create flyers using my typewritten and photocopies, to spread the word about various cancellation stamps you can request as obliteration on your stamps at various post offices & postal outlets when you send letters and postcards. On my travels all across Canada over the years, I have taken for habit to ask post offices if they have a local cancellation stamp, and have found out where they have some in several different Canadian cities all over the place. I am currently in Vancouver but heading back all the way to Québec City in July, and I have decided to make a flyer for each city where I will stop where there are cancellation stamps available, and to post flyers about the local cancellation stamps in Victoria, Winnipeg, Montréal, and Québec City, entre autres. I am planning to start publishing a mail-related zine soon, in addition to my many other zines and ongoing artistic projects ( so many ideas, so little time .... so very little time !!! ) ...and, unfortunately, so little resources !! Supporting me on Patreon helps me spend more time on artistic projects like this, and less grinding just to make ends meet. Contribution starts at 2$ at month and is sliding-scale, you contribute what you can. The premise of Patreon is that artists need support on an ongoing, stable basis, and need a community to give them feedback and positive interaction. So get on it !! On my Patreon, I share exclusive videos -that are not on my YouTube- about my creative processes, opinions, and insights both in English & French on there. ) What's a cancellation stamp, you ask ? Check out my video here to find out all about it : or better yet, pop up into your local Canada Post post office and ask !!
( I hope you get an employee that is amicable and passionate about what they do, because as I experienced in 2018, some people cannot be arsed to give good customer service. Canada Post is usually stellar in that regard, and that bad experience was an exception, but it was marking enough for it to prompt me to do this !! So I guess I should thank that grumpy employee ! He stills works there, by the way ... I just haven't been served by him lately. ) This initiative costs money, time, & effort, it takes a bit of bravery to just go and brashly scotchtape a home-made ad on street lamps, and the moral support from the community would be really appreciated. I am going to create a different ad for each city, each with a picture of the local stamp(s), the address of the post office where to find it, etc, and then I will walk the streets and place these flyers in strategic spots for ( hopefully ) mail enthusiasts to find. All this takes time and money. So would the $upport on Patreon to help with the cost of printing and transportation. Your support would be greatly appreciated !! Thank you !! Support my initiatives on Patreon ( I have many various interests and a TON of different urban art projects going on !! ) : Wanna send me some mail ? I would be delighted Here's the address : Izabelle Bourret L . B . PO BOX 99103 DAVIE PO Vancouver BC V6G 1V9 CANADA Have a great day & send a letter or postcard to someone today !! Help the mail service stay alive !! Mail is not JUNK !! Mail is love letters, birthday cards, DIY art, coucous, bonjours, & comment-ça-vas. Be part of the Snail Mail Revolution !!!