

We thank you so much for viewing us once again. Our dear fellow brethren, everyone who has called on the name of Lord Jesus Christ for their own salvation now has an irrevocable calling upon their new life, which compels them to take the Gospel to the world around them and MAKE DISCIPLES. Before Messiah left for Heaven, He gave us a command – for every true born again believer, which is often called as the Great Commission. Today let us take a look together what Messiah exactly commanded as recorded in Mat. 28:20, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

How seriously should we personally take this command today? Is this command somehow only limited to those who feel they have the gift of evangelism or to the pastors? Or is it for me and you as well as true born-again believers. The Scriptures are very clear about our Great Commission.

Our dear fellow brethren, to follow our first command of The Great Commission- to make Disciples which was Messiah’s command- FIRST WE NEED TO BECOME HIS DISCIPLES… right??

So, the Lord is leading us to start the Series on Discipleship 101. Discipleship 101 Series is based on Eph. 2:8-10 which says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”

Discipleship 101 is an interactive course designed for every believer who has truly accepted Jesus Christ of Nazareth as their Lord & Savior. It is designed to galvanize our walk with Messiah in these end moments. Moreover, the Discipleship 101 course is specifically designed to fulfill our call, our first command for the Great Commission, which is an irrevocable for every born-again believer.

So over the next few weeks/months, if you would please join us in this journey- it will help us not only to grow in having a deeper relationship with Messiah with a defined trajectory but we can be equipped to fulfill one of the reasons why Messiah saved us at the first place- and that is to fulfill our Great Commission.

Our dear fellow brethren, we highly implore you to take this to your prayer closet and please intensely pray over it and please let us petition to the Lord to decrease our flesh so that we can yield to the Spirit of God and let His will be done in our lives with regards to this journey of Discipleship 101.

This week we start our 3RD Session(Part-C) of the journey and we learn about the Center and Focus of our Born-Again Life- Jesus Christ. We do implore you to please do the homework assignments diligently as guided by the Spirit Of God.

Once again our dear fellow brethren the Two Major Focuses for this ministry as the Lord is directing us are: (1) To Focus on our Vertical Relationship over the Horizontal- The Now and Temporal (Deut.6:5, Mat.22:37, Mark 12:30, Luke 10:27) & (2) To Improve our Biblical Illiteracy guided by the Author Himself- Ruach HaKhodesh (Acts 17:11, 1 Thes.2:13, Jer.15:16, Psa.119:105). Let us Strive At All Times to Keep Lord Jesus Christ Pre-eminent in Our Lives!! Let us yield to the Spirit Of God so that the Ruach HaKhodesh can accomplish His ministry through us and in us.

We do request you our dear brothers & sisters to please do keep praying for our continued strength and endurance so that we can walk in the call Yeshua Ha Mashiach has on my family & me and glorify His Holy Name. We thank you so much for your continued prayers. Also, me & my family are praying for you all and especially for each and every fellow brethren who has asked for prayers. We do claim on Phil.1:9-11 for each one of you.

Also, if and only if the Holy Spirit leads you to donate to this ministry, which will as a matter of fact help us to sustain our basic needs (like house rent, water & electricity bills and things alike)- please do use the following link:

We thank you for your support for our sustenance and pray that may the Lord bless you all abundantly to glorify His Holy Name and may Yeshua Ha Mashiach open for you the windows of heaven, And pour out for you such blessing, That there will not be room enough to receive it.

Please don't hesitate to email us with all your prayer requests at:

We plead the Aaronic blessing(Num.6:24-26) on each one of you. Shalom!!


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