
The Tag Up 2019 & unpleasant call by the UMPS!

The Tag Up 2019 & unpleasant call by the UMPS! Last play of the game can not get any stranger then this to lose a state playoff game for Willow Canyons. Fly ball to the out field the runner tagged from 3rd Willow Canyon is now down by one run. Ironwood Ridge thinks the runner on 3rd left early. The appeal was made to the field umps. The 3nd base ump call safe. HOWEVER here is where it gets strange the home plate ump calls out the runner left early and all umps walk off the field since that was the 3rd out!.

Watch this video an see if you can tell if the home plate ump was looking at 3rd at any time of this play. You can see the ump who is covering 3rd come into the screen I'm not to sure if he was even looking? AIA Arizonia,,arizonia softball umps,

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